Of the Later British Provinces
…us Aemilianus
Lavatris (Bowes, Yorkshire; RIB 741; 2nd/3rd C.) – …VS AEMILIANVS LEG AVG PR PR COH I THRACVM INS …LLO PRAEF … FECIT “[…]us Aemilianus, pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, the First Cohort of Thracians made this, on the instructions of […]llo the prefect”.
Gaius Julius Marcus (c.213AD)
Castra Exploratorvm (Netherby, Cumbria; RIB 976; dated: c.213AD) – IVLIAE AVG M MATRI AVG NOSTRI M AVRELI ANTONINI ET CASTR ET SENATVS ET PATRIAE PRO PIETATE AC DEVOTIONE COMMVNI NVM EIVS CVRANTE G IVL MARC LEG AVGG PR PR COH I AEL HISP M EQ POSVIT “To Julia Augusta Domna, mother of our Lord Marcus Aurelius (Severus) Antoninus (Caracalla), and of the Army, and the Senate, and the Fatherland, for the duty and devotion of our common spirit, on the orders of Gaius Julius Marcius, pro-praetorian legate of the Augusti,² the First Cohort of Spaniards, one-thousand strong, part-mounted, made this”.
Castra Exploratorum (Netherby, Cumbria; RIB 977; dated: c.213AD) – … COH I AEL HISP M EQ ANTONININIANA EX SOLO EXSTRVXIT SVB CVRA G IVL MARCI LEG AVG PR PR INSTANTE …R MAXIMO TRIB “[…] the First Cohort of Aelian Spaniards, one-thousand strong, part-mounted, Antonines own, reconstructed [this building] from the ground up, under the administration of Gaius Julius Marcus the pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, in the presence of the tribune […]r Maximus”.
Arbeia (South Shields, Tyne & Wear; RIB 1070b; Britannia xvi (1985), p.325-6, no.11) – … AC CASTR AC SENAT AC PATRIAE PRO PIETATE AC DEVOTIONE COMMVNI CVRANTE G IVL MARCO LEG AVG PR PR COH V GALL POS “[To Julia Domna, mother of the Augustus], and the encampments, and the senate, and the fatherland, out of the loyalty and devotion of the community, under the administration of Gaius Julius Marcus, pro-praetorian legate of the Emperor, the Fifth Cohort of Gauls places this”.
Epiacvm (Whitley Castle, Northumberland; RIB 1202; dated: 213AD) – IMP CAES DIVI L SEPT SEVERI PII PERTINACIS AVG ARABICI ADIABENICI PARTHICI MAX FIL DIVI ANTONINI PII GERMANICI SARM NEP DIVI TRAIANI PARTH ET DIVI NERVAE ADNEP M AVRELIO ANTONINO PIO FEL AVG PARTHICI MAX BRIT MAX PONT MAX TR POT XVI IMP II COS IIII P P PRO PIETATE AC DEVOTIONE COMMVNI CVRANTE G IVLIO MARCO LEG AVG PR PR COH II NERVIORVM C R POS D N M Q E “To the Emperor Caesar the divine Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus, greatest in Arabia, Adiabene, and Parthica, son of the divine Antoninus Pius Germanicus conqueror of the Sarmatians, grandson of the divine Trajanus conqueror of the Parthians, and of the divine Nerva, grandson by adoption to Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus highest in Parthica, greatest in Britain, high priest, holding tribunician power for the sixteenth time, hailed Imperator in the field twice, consul four times, father of his country, for the loyalty and devotion of the general public, attended by Gaius Julius Marcius the pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, the Second Cohort of Nervians, citizens of Rome, erected this, to the divine spirits of our ancestors”.
Epiacum (Whitley Castle, Northumberland; RIB 1205; dated: 213AD; see RIB 905 & 1202 for restoration) – … RESTITVT SVB [G IVL MAR]CO LEG AVG PR PR …VIR C COS PR BR “[…] restored under the administration of Gaius Julius Marcus, legate of the emperor with pro-praetorian power, [most prominent] of men, most illustrious consular, governor of Britain”.
Habitancvm (Risingham, Northumberland; RIB 1235; dated 213AD) – IMP CAES DIVI SEPT SEVERI PII ARABICI ADIABENICI PARTHICI MAXIMI BRITANNICI MAXIMI FILIO DIVI ANTONINI PII GERMANICI SARMATICI NEPOTI DIVI ANTONINI PII PRONEPOTI DIVI HADRIANI ABNEPOTI DIVI TRAIANI PARTICHI ET DIVI NERVAE ABNEP M AVRELIO ANTONINO PIO FEL AVG PARTHICO MAXIMO BRITANNICO MAXIMO GERMANICO MAXIMO TRIB POTESTATE XVI IMPERATORI II PATRI PATRIE PRCONSVLI PRO PIETATE AC DEVOTIONE COMMVNI ET IVLIAE DOMNAE PIAE FEL AVG MATRI AVGVSTI NOSTRI ITEM CASTRORVM SENATVS HAC PATRIE PRO PIETATE HAC DEVOTIONE COMMVNI CVRANTE [G JVLIO MARCO] LEG AVGG PR PR COH I VANGIONVM ITEM RAETI GAESATI ET EXPLORATORES HABITANCENSES POSVERVNT D N M Q EORVM “For the emperor the divine Septimius Severus Pius, highest in Arabia, Adiabene and Parthica, highest in the Britains, son of the divine Antoninus Pius Germanicus Sarmaticus, grandson of the divine Antoninus Pius, great-grandson of the Divine Hadrian, great-great-grandson of the divine Trajanus Parthicus and the divine Nerva, great-great-grandson of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, highest in Parthica, highest in Britain, highest in Germany, holding tribunician power for the sixteenth time, hailed Imperator twice,² Father of the Fatherland, proconsul, for the loyalty and devotion of the general public and for Julia Domna Pia Felix Augusta, mother of our augusti,³ likewise (named Mother) of the Strongholds by the senate (and) of the Fatherland by way of the loyalty (of the people). Attended by (Gaius Julius Marcius?), pro-praetorian legate of the Emperors, the First Cohort of Vangiones (including) the companies of Raetians, Gaesati and the Scouts from Habitancum, have erected this to the spirits of their ancestors”.
Pons Aelivs (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne & Wear; RIB 1322c; base; dated: c.213AD; Britannia xi (1980), p.405, no.6) – IVLIAE AVG NO… MATRI M AVRELI ANTONINI AC CASTR AC SENAT AC PATRIAE PRO PIETATE AC DEVOTIONE CVRANTE G IVL MARCO LEG AVG PR PR COH VLPIA TRAIANA CVGERNORVM C R POSVIT “For the most noble Julia Augusta, mother of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and of the encampments, and of the senate, and of the fatherland. Out of loyalty and devotion under the direction of Gaius Julius Marcus the pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, the First Cohort of Ulpian Cugerni, Trajan’s Own, citizens of Rome, have placed this”.
Welton (Northumberland; near Hadrian’s Wall Mile-Castle 17; RIB 2298; dated 213AD) – IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINO PIO FELICI AVG ARAB ADIAB PART MAXIMO BRIT MAXIMO TRIB POT XVI COS IIII IMP II G IVL MARCO LEG AVG PR PR “For Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius [Severus] Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, greatest in Adiabene and Parthica, greatest in Britain, holding the powers of a tribune for the sixteenth time, consul four times, twice hailed Imperator on the field of battle. [Under] Gaius Julius Marcus, the pro-praetorian legate of the emperor”.
[Marcus Antonius Gor]dianus? (216AD)
Concangis (Chester-le-Street, Durham; RIB 1049; dated: 216AD) – … EQQ ALAE ANTONININAE …TERRITORIVM… AQVAM INDVXIT BALNEVM … A SOLO INSTRVXIT SVB CVRA …DIANI LEG AVG PR PR SABINO II ET ANVLLIN COS “[…] the knights of the Antoninian Wing […] the territorium […] the aqueduct leading to the bath-house […] constructed from its foundations, during the administration of […]dianus, pro-praetotian legate of the emperor, when Sabinus – for the second time – and Anullinus were consuls”.
Modius Julianus (c.219AD)
Castra Exploratorvm (Netherby, Cumbria; RIB 980; text recut and unreliable; dated: c.215-220AD) – IM…ANTOIII PII SVSBS COS VEXIL LEG II AVG ET XX V V ITEM COH I AEL HISP EQ SVB CVRA MODI IVLI III EG AVG PR PR INSTANTE … AEL NI … “For Im[perator] Antoninus Pius, forceful consul. Detachments of the Second Augustan Legion, the Twentieth Valeria Victrix and the First Cohort of Aelian Spaniards, part-mounted, during the administration of Modius Julius, pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, in the presence of [the prefect] Aelius Ni[…]”.
Camboglanna (Birdoswald, Cumbria; RIB 1914; dated c.219AD) – SVB MODIO IVLIO LEG AVG PR PR COH I AEL DAC CVI PRAEEST M CL MENANDER TRIB “Under Julius Modius, Legate of Augustus with pro-praetorian power, the First Aelian Cohort of Dacians (built this), with contributions from their commander, the Tribune Marcus Claudius Menander”.
Tiberius Claudius Paulinus (220AD)
Bremenivm (High Rochester, Northumberland; RIB 1280; dated: 220AD) – IMP CAES M AVRELIO ANTONINO PIO FEL AVG TRIB POT III COS III PROCOS P P BALLIST A SOLO COH I F VARDVL ANT SVB CVRA TIB CL PAVLINI LEG AVG PR PR FECIT INSTANTE P AELIO ERASINO TRIB “For Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, holding tribunician power for the third time, consul three times, Father of his Country. This catapult platform was made from its foundations by the First Cohort of Faithful Vardulli, Antoninus’ own, under the administration of Tiberius Claudius Paulinus, pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, under the direction of the tribune Publius Aelius Erasinus.”.
Marius Valerianus (c.221/222)
Castra Exploratorvm (Netherby, Cumbria; RIB 978; dated: 222AD) – IMP CAES M AVRELIO SEVERO ALEXANDRO PIO FEL AVG PONT MAXIMO TRIB POT COS P P COH I AEL HISPANORVM M EQ DEVOTA NVMINI MAIESTATIQVE EIVS BASELICAM EQVESTREM EXERCITATORIVM IAM PRIDEM A SOLO COEPTAM AEDIFICAVIT CONSVMMAVITQVE SVB CVRA MARI VALERIANI LEG AVG PR PR INSTANTE AVRELIO SALVIO TRIB COH IMP D N SEVERO ALEXANDRO PIO FEL AVG COS “For Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus, High Priest, holder of tribunician power, consular, Father of his Country, the First Cohort of Aelian Spaniards one-thousand strong, part-mounted, in devotion to his majestic spirit, now, as previously, the Basilica Equestris Exercitatorius was begun from its foundations, built, and completed during the administration of Marius Valerianus, the pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, in the presence of Aurelius Salvius, cohort tribune of the emperor our Lord Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus, [sole] consul.”.
Arbeia (South Shields, Tyne & Wear; RIB 1060; dated: 222AD) – IMP CAES DIVI SEVERI NEPOS DIVI MAGNI ANTONINII FIL M AVREL SEVERVS ALEXANDER PIVS FELIX AVG PONTIF MAX TRIB POT PP COS AQVAM VSIBVS MIL COH V GALL INDVXIT CVRANTE MARIO VALERIANO LEG EIVS PR PR “The Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus [Alexander] Pius Felix Augustus, grandson of the deified Severus, son of the deified Antoninus the Great, Supreme Pontiff, with tribunician power, Father of his Country, Consul, brought this water supply for the use of the soldiers of the Fifth Cohort of Gauls, under the direction of Marius Valerianus, his Legate with pro-praetorian power”.
Cilvrnvm (Chesters, Northumberland; RIB 1465; dated: 30th October 221AD) – IMP CAESAR M AVREL ANTONINVS P F AVG [SACERDOS AMPLISS DEI INVICTI SOLIS ELEGABALI P M] TRIB P IIII COS III P P DIVI ANTON F DIVI SEVER NEP ET M AVREL ALEXANDER NOBILISS CAESAR IMPERI ET SACERDOTI CONSORS ALAE II ASTVR [ANTON] VETSVTATE DILAPSVM RESTITVERVNT PER MARIVM VALERIANVM LEG AVGG PR PR INSTANTE SEPTIMIO NILO PRAEF EQVITVM DEDICATVM III KAL NOVEM GRATO ET SELEVCO COS “The emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, most glorious priest of the Unconquered Sun-god Elagabalus, High Priest, in the fourth year of his holding Tribunician Power, three times Consul, Father of his Country, son of the deified Antoninus, grandson of the deified Severus, and Marcus Aurelius Alexander, most noble Caesar, his partner in empire, … restored (this building) which had collapsed through age for the Second Wing of Asturians, Antoninus’ own, through the agency of Marius Valerianus, Pro-Praetorian Legate of the Augusti under the supervision of the Prefect of Cavalry, Septimius Nilus. Dedicated on the thirtieth day of October in the consulship of Gratus and Seleucus”.
Claudius Xenephon (223AD)
Cilvrnvm (Chesters, Northumberland; RIB 1467; dated: 222-223AD) – … PER CL XENEPHONTEM LEG PR PR INSTANTE SEP NILO PRAEF EQVIT “[…] during [the administration of] Claudius Xenephon the pro-praetorian legate, supervised by Septimius Nilo, Prefect of Horse”.
Vindolanda (Chesterholm, Northumberland; RIB 1706; dated: 223AD) – … COH IIII GALLOR SEVERIANAE ALEXANDRIANAE DEVOTAE NVMINI EIVS PORTAM CVM TVRRIBVS A FVNDAMENTIS RESTITVERVNT SVB CL XENOPHONTE LEG AVG N PR PR BR INF CVRANTE … “… the Fourth Cohort of Gauls, Severus Alexander’s own, devoted to his divinity, restored from ground-level this gateway together with its towers under Claudius Xenophon, pro-praetorian Legate of our Emperor in Lesser Britain, under the direction of …”.
Crindledykes Farm (milestone 1 mile E of Chesterholm/Vindolanda; RIB 2299; dated: 222-223AD) – IMP CAES M AVREL SEVERO ALEXANDRO PIO FEL AVG P M TR P II COS P P CVR CL XENOPH LEG AVG PR PRAET M P XIIII “For Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus, High Priest, holder of tribunician power for the second time, Consular, Father of the Fatherland, under the administration of Claudius Xenophon, legate of the emperor with pro-praetorian power. Fourteen thousand paces [to Corstopitum]”.
Hadrian’s Wall (milestone 200m ESE of MC 42, Cawfields, Northumberland; RIB 2306; dated: 222-223AD) – IMP CAES M AVREL SEVERO ALEXANDRO PI FEL AVG P M TR P II COS P P CVR CL XENEPHON TE LEG AVG PR PRAET M P XVIII “For Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus, High Priest, holder of tribunician power for the second time, consul, Father of his Country; during the administration of Claudius Xenephon, pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, eighteen thousand paces [of road was built]”.
Maximus (225AD)
Aesica (Great Chesters, Northumberland; RIB 1738; restored inscription; dated: 225AD) – IMP CAES M AVR SEVERVS ALEXANDER P FEL AVG HORREVM VETVSTATE CONLABSVM MIL COH II ASTVRVM S A A SOLO RESTITVERVNT PROVINCIA REGENTE … MAXIMO LEG AVG PR PR CVR VAL MARTIALE > LEG … FVSCO II ET DEXTRO COS “The emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus restored from ground level this granary, which had collapsed through age, for the soldiers of the Second Cohort of Asturians, Severus Alexander’s own, while the province was being governed by … Maximus, Legate of Augustus with pro-praetorian power, under the direction of Valerius Martialis, Centurion of the … Legion in the consulship of Fuscus for the second time and Dexter”.
Valerius Crescens Fulvianus (225-235AD)
Bremetenacvm (Ribchester, Lancashire; RIB 587; dated: 225-235AD) – … PRO SAL IMP CAES ALEXANDRI AVG N ET IVLIAE MAMAEAE MATRIS D N ET CASTR AVB CVRA VAL CRESCENTIS FVLVIANI LEG EIVS PRO PR T FLORID NATALIS > LEG PRAEP N ET REG TEMPLVM A SOLO EX RESPONSV DEI RESTITVIT ET DEDICAVIT DE SVO “[…] for the health of Imperator Caesar Alexander, our Augustus, and for Julia Mamaea, the mother of our Lord and of the Strongholds, under the direction of Valerius Crescens Fulvianus, his pro-praetorian legate, Titus Florid(us) Natalis, legionary centurion in charge of the regiment and the region, restored this temple from the ground up in answer to the god, and dedicated on their behalf”.
Calvisius Ruso (225-238AD)
Voreda (Old Penrith, Cumbria; RIB 929; dated: 225-238AD) – COH II GAL S A AMPLIAVIT …SVB CALVISIO RVSONE LEG AVG PR PR CVRANTE AVRELIO “[…] (this building) was made larger by the Second Cohort of Gauls, by approval […] under Calvisius Ruso, pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, in the administration of Aurelius”.
[T]uccianus? (237AD)
Egnatius Lucilianus (238-244AD)
Longovicivm (Lanchester, Durham; RIB 1091; dated: 238-244AD) – IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS P F AVG BALNEVM CVM BASILICA A SOLO INSTRVXIT PER EGN LVCILIANVM LEG AVG PR PR CVRANTE M AVR QVIRINO PREF COH I L GOR “For the emperor Caesar Marcus Antoninus Gordianus Pius Felix Augustus, the bath-house and the basilica were built from the ground-up during (the governorship) of Egnatius Lucilianus, pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, under the direction of Marcus Aurelius Quirinus, prefect of Gordian’s First Cohort of Lingones”.
Bremenivm (High Rochester, Northumberland; RIB 1262; altarstone; dated: 238-241AD) – G D N ET SIGNORVM COH I VARDVLL ET N EXPLORATOR BREM GOR EGNAT LVCILIANVS LEG AVG PR PR CVRANTE CASSIO SABINIANO TRIB “To the Genius of Our Lord, and to the Standards of Cohors Primae Vardullorum and the Company of Scouts from Bremenium, Gordius Egnatius Lucilianus, pro-praetorian legate of the Emperor, ordered that the tribune Cassius Sabinianus (should set this up)”.
Maecilius Fuscus (238-244AD)
Longovicivm (Lanchester, Durham; RIB 1092; dated: 238-244AD) – IMP CAESAR M ANTONIVS GORDIANVS P F AVG PRINCIPIA ET ARMAMENTARIA CONLAPSA RESTITVIT PER MAECILIVM FVSCVM LEG AVG PR PR CVRANTE M AVR QVIRINO PR COH I L GOR “For the emperor Caesar Marcus Antoninus Gordianus Pius Felix Augustus, the principia and armamentaria which had fallen into disrepair, were restored during (the governorship) of Maecilius Fuscus, pro-praetorian legate of the emperor, under the direction of Marcus Aurelius Quirinus, prefect of Gordian’s First Cohort of Lingones”.
Nonius Philippus (242AD)
Maglona (Old Carlisle, Cumbria; RIB 897; altarstone; dated: 242AD) – I O M PRO SALVTE IMPERATORIS M ANTONI GORDIANI P F INVICTI AVG ET SABINIAE FVRIAE TRANQVILAE CONIVGI EIVS TOTAQVE DOMV DIVIN EORVM ALA AVG GORDIA OB VIRTVTEM APPELLATA POSVIT CVI PRAEST AEMILIVS CRISPINVS PREF EQ NATVS IN PRO AFRICA DE TVSDRO SVB CVRA NONII PHILIPPI LEG AVG PRO PRETO ATTICO ET PRAETEXTATO COS “To Jupiter Optimus Maximus, for the health of the commander-in-chief Marcus Antonius Gordianus Pius Felix, Invincible Augustus, and for Sabinia Furia Tranquila his wife (and) the entirety of the divine house, the August Gordian Wing thus named by reason of their virtue, placed this, under the command of the cavalry prefect Aemilius Crispinus, a native of Tusdro in the province of Africa, under the administration of Nonius Phillipus, pro-praetorian legate, (when) Atticus and Praetextatus were consuls”.
Marcus Valerius Felix (244AD)
Isca Silvrvm (Caerleon, Gwent; RIB 327; dated: 23rd September 244AD) – N AVGG GENIO LEG II AVG IN HONOREM MILIT M VALERIVS FELIX… P P D D DD VIIII KAL OCTOB PEREGR ET AEMIL COS CVR VRSO ACTAR LEG EIVS DEM “For the Living Spirits of the Augusti and the Guardian Spirit of Legio Secundae Augusta, in honour of the military achievements of Marcus Valerius Felix […] propraetor, this votive offering, dedicated on the ninth day before the calends of October, when Peregrinus and Aemilianus were consuls, was arranged by Ursus, Actarius in the aforementioned legion.”.
Desticius Juba (256-258AD)
Isca Silvrvm (Caerleon, Glamorgan; RIB 334; CIL VII.107; ILS 537; dated: 256-258AD) – IMPP VALERIANVS ET GALLIENVS AVGG ET VALERIANVS NOBILISSIMVS CAES COHORTI VII CENTVRIAS A SOLO RESTITVERVNT PER DESTICIVM IVBAM V C LEGATVM AVGG PR PR ET VITVLASIVM LAETINIANVM LEG LEG II AVG CVRANTE DOMIT POTENTINO PRAEF LEG EIVSDEM “For the emperors Valerianus Augustus, Gallienus Augustus and the most noble Valerianus Caesar, the centuries of the Seventh Cohort, restored [this building] from the foundations, under the most honourable Desticius Juba, pro-praetorian legate of the emperors, and the legate Vitulasius Laetinianus of the Second Augustan Legion, under the direction of Domitius Potentinus, prefect of the forementioned legion”.
Publius Aurelius Arpagio (297-305AD)
Camboglanna (Birdoswald, Cumbria; RIB 1912; dated: 297-305AD) – DD NN DIOCLETIANO ET MAXIMIANO INVICTIS AVGG ET CONSTANTIO ET MAXIMIANIO N N C C SVB V P AVR ARPAGIO PR PRAETOR QVOD ERAT HVMO COPERT ET IN LABE CONL ET PRINC ET BAL REST CVRANT FL MARTINO CENT P P C … “For our Lords Diocletian and Maximian, the Invincible Augusti, and for Constantius and [Galerius] Maximian, most Noble Caesars, under his Perfection Aurelius Arpagius, Praeses, the Cohort … restored the commandant’s house which had fallen into ruin and was covered in earth, and the headquarters building and bath-house, under the direction of Flavius Martinus, Centurion in command”.
Marcus Martiannius Pulcher (3rd C.)
Londinivm (London; RIB 39b; altarstone; dated: ‘3rd century’; Britannia vii (1976), p.378-9, no.2) – IN H D D M MARTIANNIVS PVLCHER V C LEG AVGG PRO PRAET TEMPLM ISIDIS C…TIS VETVSTATE COLLAPBSVM RESTITVI PRAECEPIT “In tribute, a gift donated by Marcus Martiannius Pulcher, most honourable of men, pro-praetorian legate of the emperors, who restored this temple to Isis, which had collapsed through old age and lay in ruins”.
…dius? (128-138AD?)
Banna (Castlesteads, Cumbria; RIB 1998; dated: 119-138AD) – IMP CAES TRAIANO HADRIANO AVG P P COS III SVB …DIO LEG AVG PR PR AVG “Imperator Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, Father of his country, consul three times, under (the administration of) […]dius, pro-praetorian legate of the emperor”.
The main references used in the production of this page was the indispensable website The Roman Inscriptions of Britain put on the web by Guy de la Bedoyere, and the equally indispensable book Roman Britain by Peter Salway (Appendix.II).