Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 64 - Drawdykes

Hadrian's Wall Milecastle

Milecastle 64 (Drawdykes) was a – Milecastle on Hadrian’s Wall. The mile fort was excavated in 1962 by P. F. Fane-Gladwin. It was a short-axis type fort, internal dimensions: 17.8 m ? 14.6 m. The walls were almost completely destroyed by stone robbery. The north gate was 3 m wide and was bricked up again in ancient times. In the middle of the fortification ran a 5 m wide paved road that connected the two gates. Subsequently, a fragment of a Roman milestone (inscription “MP”) was recovered on the west side of the mile fort. It is in the collection of the Carlisle Museum.

Sites near Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 64 - Drawdykes