Okehampton Roman Fort
Claudian Auxiliary Fort (AD 43–54)
Roman fort of the 1st century AD at Okehampton on the north edge of Dartmoor, occupies the saddle of a spur between the river Okement and one of its tributaries, at 183m above sea level. First observed on aerial photographs in 1971 the Roman fort at Okehampton lies partially beneath the north-eastern suburbs of the modern town. The fort measures approximately 475 by 295 feet (145 x 90 m) between the ditches, which enclose an area of just under 3¼ acres (c.1.3 ha). Trial-trenching across the defences at the time of discovery uncovered 1st-Century pottery and proved the rampart’s construction was of clay, further A.P.’s in 1980 revealed a double-ditch defensive system on the observable west, north and east sides, also a number of enclosures in the immediate surroundings of the fort.
The proximity of the station at North Tawton makes it extremely unlikely that the two sites were occupied at the same time, but the exact sequence has not yet been ascertained.
References for Okehampton
Air Reconnaissance in Roman Britain 1977-1984 by G.S. Maxwell & D.R. Wilson in Britannia xviii (1987) p.5.
Map References for Okehampton
NGRef: SX5996 OSMap: LR191
Roman Roads near Okehampton
Probable road: WSW (5) to North Tawton Camp (Devon) ESE (17) to Isca Dvmnoniorvm (Exeter, Devon)
Sites near Okehampton Roman Fort
- Okehampton Roman Fortlet (0 km)
Fortlet - Nemetostatio Roman Fort (8 km)
British Temple Or Shrine, Claudian Auxiliary Fort (AD 43–54) and Marching or Temporary Camp - North Tawton Marching Camp (8 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Hatherleigh Moor (8 km)
Pottery - Bury Barton Roman Fort (18 km)
Neronian Auxiliary Fort (AD 54–68) - Alverdiscott Camp (31 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Calstock Roman Fort (31 km)
Claudian Auxiliary Fort (AD 43–54) - Exeter (Isca Dumnoniorum) Town (32 km)
Minor Settlement - Exeter (Isca Dumnoniorum) Roman Fort (32 km)
Legionary Fort - Stoke Hill Signal Station (33 km)