Banna (Birdoswald) Vicus
The site of the Roman vicus, or civillian settlement associated with Birdoswald Roman Fort. It lies to the east, west and south of the fort. Geophysical survey identified an extensive area of buildings, hearths, pits, and ditches. Excavations to the west of the fort have found pottery dating mainly to the second century, with the rest of the small assemblage suggesting occupation ceased by the fourth century. The western side of the settlement appears to be more organised than the east, with a road, possible market place, and stone-founded buildings. Timber buildings were identified to the south of the fort, as well as a possible bath house. Investigations are currently on-going.
Sites near Banna (Birdoswald) Vicus
- Hadrian's Wall - Fort - Birdoswald (Banna) (0 km)
Hadrian's Wall Fort and Signal Station - Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 49 - Harrow's Scar (0 km)
Hadrian's Wall Milecastle - Hadrian's Wall - Willowford Bridge Abutment (1 km)
Roman Bridges - Hadrian's Wall - Turret 48b (Willowford West) (1 km)
Hadrian's Wall Turret - Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 50 - High House (1 km)
Hadrian's Wall Milecastle - Mains Rigg Signal Station (1 km)
Signal Station - Hadrian's Wall - Turret 48A (Willowford East) (1 km)
Hadrian's Wall Turret - Throp Fortlet (1 km)
Fortlet and Stanegate Fort - Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 48 - Poltross Burn (2 km)
Hadrian's Wall Milecastle - Crooks Temporary Camp (2 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp