Bishopton Roman Fort
Antonine Auxiliary Fort (AD 138–161)
The fort at Whitemoss Farm, Bishopton, lies on the south shore of the Clyde Estuary about 3 miles to the west of the fort at Old Kilpatrick at the western end of the Antonine Wall on the opposite bank of the Clyde. An earlier Agricolan fort lies only 1¾ miles to the south at Barochan (NS4172), on a low hill overlooking the Clyde Estuary.
Decorated ware recovered from the Bishopton fort included the stamps of the Antonine potters Cinnamus Form 37 and Velox Form 31; its Antonine date is thus certain.
Bishopton Fort suffered from limited visibility to the west and, to mitigate against this deficiency, the Romans built two fortlets. One was positioned at Lurg Moor near modern day Greenock and enabled observation of the western segment of the River Clyde. The second, Outerwards near Skelmorie, was positioned to monitor the Upper Clyde including Bute and the Cumbraes. Both were built in a same configuration as the fortlets along the Wall enclosing around 02.5 acres. The ramparts were made from turf and were almost certainly topped with a breastwork or palisade. A defensive ditch surrounded both fortlets.
References for Bishopton
- Air Reconnaissance in Britain, 1955-7 by J.K. St. Joseph in J.R.S. xlviii (1958) p.90;
- The Roman Occupations of Scotland by B.R. Hartley in Britannia iii (1972) pp.1-55.
Roman Roads near Bishopton
Possible Road: ESE (22) to Bothwellhavgh (Strathclyde)
Sites near Bishopton Roman Fort
- Barochan Hill Roman Fort (3 km)
Flavian Auxiliary Fort (AD 69–96) - Dumbarton (4 km)
Possible Roman Fort - Old Kilpatric Roman Fort (4 km)
Antonine Wall Fort - Duntocher Roman Fort (8 km)
Antonine Wall Fort and Fortlet - Cleddans Roman fortlet (9 km)
Antonine Wall Fortlet and Fortlet - Castle Hill Fort (11 km)
Antonine Wall Fort - Bearsden Roman Fort (13 km)
Antonine Wall Fort - Summerston Roman Fortlet (16 km)
Antonine Wall Fortlet, Fortlet and Marching or Temporary Camp - Balmuildy Bridge (16 km)
Roman Bridges - Balmuildy (Medio) Roman Fort (16 km)
Antonine Wall Fort