Burgh-by-Sands Watch Tower
Hadrians Wall Signal Station
Also shown on the Aerial photographs of the Early Hadrianic Fort is a 19m wide circular cropmark lying close to it’s south-east gate. This feature has been identified as a Roman watch tower similar to those employed along the Gask Ridge in Tayside. The defenses consisted of a circular, v-shaped ditch 7½ feet wide by 6 feet deep (c. 2.3 x 1.8 m), backed by a timber-fonted rampart varying in width between 13 and 15 feet (4 – 4.5 m); a single gateway lay to the south-east. These outworks surrounded a centrally-placed, square, four-post timber tower which has been dated by the finding of black-burnished ware pottery shards in one of the main postholes to about 120AD, when this type of pottery fist began to appear. This timber watch-tower was not in service long before being demolished and replaced by the Burgh-by-Sands I fort on the same site atop the hill.
Map References for Burgh-by-Sands Watch Tower
Roman Roads near Burgh-by-Sands Watch Tower
Wall: ESE (5.25) to Uxelodvnvm (Stanwix, Cumbria) Stanegate: E (6) to (Carlisle, Cumbria) Wall: W (3.5) to Concavata (Drumburgh, Cumbria) [link_post post_id="9634" type="link"]Stanegate: W (6) to Kirkbride (Cumbria) Roman Military Way: SE (2.5) to Grinsdale
Sites near Burgh-by-Sands Watch Tower
- Burgh-by-Sands Early - Hadrianic Fort (0 km)
Hadrian's Wall Fort - Burgh by Sands 2 Temporary Camp (1 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Burgh-by-Sands Fort - The Stanegate Fort (1 km)
Stanegate Fort - Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 72 - Braelees (1 km)
Hadrian's Wall Milecastle - Burgh-by-Sands (Aballava) Vicus (1 km)
Vicus - Hadrian's Wall - Fort - Burgh-by-Sands (Aballava) (1 km)
Hadrian's Wall Fort and Vicus - Burgh by Sands Temporary Camp (2 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 71 - Wormanby (2 km)
Hadrian's Wall Milecastle - Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 73 - Wormanby (2 km)
Hadrian's Wall Milecastle - Burgh by Sands 1 Temporary Camp (2 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp