Hadrian's Wall - Turret 45a (Walltown)

Hadrian's Wall Turret

The site of Roman turret 45A on Hadrian’s Wall. It survives as consolidated masonry. Excavations date it to the Hadrianic period, and occupation ended sometime in the 2nd century AD. Turret 45a was built prior to the Wall and lies about 100 yds. short of the normal distance. The turret is visible on air photographs. The turret walls were consolidated and stand to an average height of 1 metre.

The turret was constructed without wing walls, with the curtain wall abutting the structure, rather than being bonded with it. Because of this, it is believed that the turret was originally a freestanding structure, predating the wall, and probably built as part of a system of watchtowers associated with the Stanegate.

Sites near Hadrian's Wall - Turret 45a (Walltown)