Milrighall Temporary Camp
Marching or Temporary Camp
This camp was discovered from the air in 1977. Parts of all four sides of this camp have been recorded, which allows a good estimate of original size. There is a gateway set roughly in the centre of the east side protected by an external clavicula; this has been taken to indicate a Flavian foundation for the camp, quite possibly during the tenure of governor Julius Agricola, and probably contemporary with the camp at Wooden on the opposite (east) side of Dere Street. The camp was used to reconnoitre in force the territories of the Selgovae tribe.
References for Milrighall Camp
- Britannia ix (1978) p.418;
- Air Reconnaissance in Roman Britain 1977-1984 by G.S. Maxwell & D.R. Wilson in Britannia xviii (1987) p.32 & fig.10 p.33
Map References for Milrighall Camp
NGRef: NT5326 OSMap: LR73
OS National Grid Reference: NT537268
Dimensions: c.1,280 x 1,210 ft (c.390 x 370 m)
Area: c.35½ acres (c.14.4 ha)
Roman Roads near Milrighall Camp
None identified
Sites near Milrighall Temporary Camp
- Eildon Hill (6 km)
Iron Age Hillfort and Signal Station - Newstead Temporary Camp 4 (8 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Newstead (Trimontium) Temporary Camps 1, 2 and 3 (8 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Newstead Temporary Camp 5 (8 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Newstead (Trimontium) Roman Fort (8 km)
Flavian Auxiliary Fort (AD 69–96) - Mertoun Bridge Temporary Camps (St. Boswells) (8 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Newstead (Trimontium) Amphitheatre (9 km)
Amphitheatre - Maxton Camp (9 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Denholm / Eastcote Temporary Camp (9 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Drygrange Temporary Camp (9 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp