Arthur and the Eagle

Ymddidan Arthur a’r Eryr (‘The Dialogue of Arthur and the Eagle’) is an early 12th century Welsh poem, as indicated by its setting Arthur in Cornwall, as do the stories Culhwch and Olwen and the Dream of Rhonabwy.

Arthur sees an eagle sitting on the top of a tree. Arthur requests information from the eagle on his identity, noting that real eagles are not tame. The eagle, after twice only revealing that Arthur has seen him before, finally announces that he, the eagle, is Eliwlat [sic], son of Madawc son of Uthyr.

Arthur protests that the son of Madawc is dead. The eagle responds that deception is a sin. The rest of the poem is some doubts expressed by Arthur that the eagle is really Eliwlod, and questions about behavior pleasing to God, to which Eliwlod gives conventional answers.

Arthur and the Eagle

I wonder, seeing I am a bard,
On the top of the oak and its branches on high 
What the vision of an eagle, what the illusion.

Arthur, who hast attained distant tame
Joy and advantage of thine host,
The eagle heretofore hast thou seen.

I wonder at thy station by the side of the wall.
And I will ask of thee in metre
What the illusion, what the vision, of an eagle.

Arthur whose fame hath travelled far
And whose host is of gladsome aspect.
The eagle hast thou seen heretofore.

Eagle, being on the top of the oak
If thou beest of the race of birds
Thou canst not be either domestic or tame

Arthur, gladial portent, 
Before whose onset nothing stands.
I am the sott of Madoc son of Uthyr.

I know not the kind of the eagle
[As one] that frequents the vales ot Cornwall. 
The son of Madoc ap Uthyr liveth not.

To meditate unrighteous treason
And conceal your purpose long
Is called complete sin.

Eagle, gentle in discourse,
Speak thou without reserve.
What shall enable me to escape?

Praying God at every dawn,
And seeking to obtain remission
And asking the aid of the saints.

Eagle, not poor of speech,
I will question thee on thy discourse,
Of what sort is the worst that happens to sin.

To obtain the long penance infernal,
And get an irrecoverable fell,
And lose God to eternity.

Eagle of speech about to depart,
I will ask of thee previously,
Is there a course devoid of hope?

Arthur of exalted elocution,
If thou wouldest obtain a share of the world,
With the mighty hope is weak.

Arthur of speech both subtle and fierce, 
Whose host is of unreproached wrath, 
Eliwlod erewhile was I called.

Eagle of blameless aspect 
And whose discourse is not evil, 
Art thou Eliwlod my nephew?

Arthur audacious in the onset,
If I be Eliwlod
Am I a good connection of thine?

Eagle, untreacherous in discourse, 
If thou art Eliwlod, 
Was the battle-slaughter good around thee?

Arthur, audacious in answering, 
Before whose face no enemy standeth, 
From death there is no escape.

Eagle, undisguised of speech, 
No one could through war 
Bring thee to life again.

Arthur, dignitaiy among the generous, 
If the words of the canon shall be believed. 
With God contention is not good.

Eagle clear of speech, 
Wilt thou say unto Arthur 
What thing is evil for him to do?

To purpose evil with premeditation, 
And to abide long in the purpose, 
Is called sin and failure.

Eagle, most wise in discourse, 
Of thyself will I enquire, 
How shall I attain to God’s approbation?

To love God with righteous mind, 
And ask upright requests, 
Procures heaven and the mundane gift.

Eagle, veracious in declaring, 
If it be correct, I will ask thee, 
Is the praising of him good in Christ’s sight?

Arthur, thou art the most mighty.
On the tower I will expect the excellent hero.
Let evety spirit praise its Lord.

Eagle of serene existence, 
Without intrusion I will ask thee. 
Who doth the spirit say is nearest?

Arthur, restless with blades, 
Who has fallen by the pain of thy blood-sheddings, 
Christ it is, whose faith is not concerning falsehoods.

Eagle speaking words of acknowledgment 
I will ask, the while I cry out, 
What is the course to seek for heaven?

Repentance for perverseness, 
And to hope for mercy. 
This procureth peace.

Eagle not ungracious in speech.
Declare thou with clearness
What thing it is evil to do.

Eagle sincere of speech, 
Of thyself it shall be asked, 
When is not the mighty possessor of the earth?

Arthur, exalted gwyddva, 
Not to lose God or the Alpha 
Is the summit of mightiness.

Eagle, certain in thy speech, 
I will question thee on thy words:
Except that I myself am mighty.

Arthur head of the battles of Cornwall, 
Exalted one, acute-edged of shape, 
None is mighty excepting God.

Eagle of intricate speech, 
I will ask thee without trifling, 
What doeth God with [my] retinue?

If the retinue be sincere to worship, 
If uptight in praying together, 
God will not give hell to them.

Eagle of speech, dismal as the grave, 
I will ask thee in my mightiness, 
Who shall give judgment in the doomsday?

Arthur, exalted gwyddva.
Sacred enigma of the divided-place, 
God himself shall judge.


Eagle of celestial destiny, 
Hast thou not obtained to see 
What Christ doeth to those who believe?

Arthur, gwyddva of gladness. 
With thy host thou wert a complete huntsman, 
Thy self shall know the judgment-day.


Eagle, with the speech of … … …
I will ask of thee the owner ot hosts, 
What shall the judgment-day do to the Gentiles?

Arthur, exalted switly-moving lamp, 
Whose pure innocency is gash-extinguish’d. 
There shall each one know his place.

Eagle, not fitter in discourse, 
I will ask of thee without offence, 
Is it good for the sun to obtain service?

If thou seekest to have the service of the sun.
And favour with God afterwards.
Blessed art thou by reason thereof.

Eagle condescending in discourse, 
By the Concealed-God I will ask thee. 
What shall be mine, if I shall be without it?

If thou wilt have unveiled discourse, 
Thou art the sun, saith Necessity. saith Destiny, 
Until the other sun of no illusory lustre.

Eagle of very notable discourse, 
I will ask thee in all security, 
What is the course for the soul?

The Pater and prayers, 
And fasting and charities, 
And calmness of the soul until death.

Ymddiddan Arthur a’r Eryr

Llyma yr mod y treythir o englynyon yr eryr

Es ryfedaf kann wyf bard.
o vlaen dar ae vric yn hard.
py edrych eryr py chward.

Arthur bellglot ordiwes.
arth llu llewenyd achles.
yr eryr gynt ath weles.

Ys ryfedaf o tu myr
as gofynnaf yn vyuyr
py chward py edrych eryr.

Arthur bellglot engyhynt
arth llu llew[e]nyd dremynt
yr eryr ath welas gynt.

Yr eryr a seif ymbric dar.
[pei] hanfut o ryw adar
ny byd[ut] na dof na gwar.

Arthur gl[edy]fawc aruthyr
ny seif dy alon rac dy ruthyr
mi yw mab madawc [uab] uthyr.

Yr eryr ny wn dy ryw
a dreigla lgyngoet kernyw
mab madawc uab uthur nyt [byw].

Arthur ieith ****r*lit
***h gwyr * nyt gwaret lit
eliwlat gynt ym gelwit.

Yr eryr golwc diuei
ar dy barabyl nyt oes vei
ae ti eliwlat vy nei.

Arthur dihafarch ffossawc.
diarwrein arllwybrawt
ys gwiw kystlwn o honawt.

Yr eryr barabyl eglur
a dywedy di wrth arthur
beth yssyd drwc y wneuthur.

Medylyaw drwc drwy aferdwl
a hir drigyaw yny medwl.
rygelwit pechawt ardwl.

Yr eryr barabyl diwc.
am a dywedy yn amlwc.
y wneuthur beth yssyd drwc.

Medylyaw brat anghywir
a chelu medwl yn hir.
kwl a phechawt y gelwir.

Yr eryr barabyl tawel
am a dywedy di heb ymgel
beth am peir fford y ochel.

Gwediaw duw pob pylgeint
a damunaw kereifyeint
ac er[chi]* canhorthwy seint.

Yr eryr parabyl doethaf
yttyhun ygouynnaf.
bod crist py delw y haedaf.

Karu duw o bryt vnyawn
ac erchi arch kyfyawn
ath ved nef a bydawl dawn.

Yr eryr gwir euenygi
ys llwyr y gorfynnaf ytti.
ae da gan grist y voli.

Arthur gwryt gadarnaf
arth gwyr gwrodeu pob eithyaf.
pob yspryt molet y naf.

Yr eryr ratlawn blegyt
athovynnaf heb ergryt
pwy yssyd naf ar pob yspryt.

Arthur nyt segur lafneu
rudyeist ongyr yggwaetfreu
crist yw cret vi nam amheu.

Yr eryr ratlawn adef
ath ovynnaf o hyt llef
beth oreu y geissyaw nef.

Ediuarwch am drossed
a gobeth ran dang*nefed
hyñ ath beir yr drugared.

Yr eryr barabyl didlawt
ath ofyñaf arderchawc ardraeithawt
beth waethaf gyt a phechawt.

Arthur arderchawc doeth|ieith
gwedy profer pob kyfyeith
gwaethaf yw barñ añobeith.

Yr eryr barabyl gynyd.
ath ofynnaf dros dofyd
o añobeith beth yssyd.

Haedu hirboen uffernawl
a cholli duw yn dragywydawl
a chael cwymp anesgwrawl.

Yr eryr [i]eith ymadaw
ath lwyr ofynnaf rac llaw
ae gwell dim no gobeithaw.

Arthur arderchawc kyman
or myn eluyd kael kyfran
wrth gadarn gobeithet gwañ.

Yr eryr parabyl kywir
yttyhun y gofynnir
ponyt kadarn perchen tir.

Arthur geldyfawc wy*t
*na choll dofyd yr alaf
y kydernit ywr pennaf.

Yr eryr parabyl diheu
ath ovynnaf ar eireu
ponyt wyf gadarn inheu.

Arthur peñ kadoed kernyw
arderchawc luydawc lyw
y pennaf kydernit y[w] [d]yw.

Yr eryr ieith diarfford
gnawt gogorus ualdord
beth a ryd duw yr gosgord.

Gosgord nyw kywir voli
ac nyt kywir gyfarchei
ny dyt duw vessur arnei.

Yr eryr nefaw[l] dy̴ghet
or ny chaffaf y welet
beth a wna crist yr ae kret.

Arthur wydua llewenyd
wyt lluoessawc argletryd
ty hun dydbrawt ae gwybyd.

Yr eryr geir diamuarn
ath ofynnaf yn gadarn
ae dydbrawt y rodir y varn.

Arthur arderchawc wydua
yth dyd dyffed ny phalla
duw ehun a varn yna.

Yr eryr [barabyl cyhoed]
ath ovyn perchen * toruoed
beth dydbrawt a wna y pobloed.

Arthur arderchawc dam|re
arth gwyr wirodeu heilde
yna y gwybyd pawb y le.

Mi ae gofynneis y goffeiryeit
ac y esgyb ac y y̴gneit
pa beth oreu rac eneit.

Pader a maeyeit a bendigedic gredo
Ae cano rac eneit
hyt angheu goreu gordyfnot.

Ys kyrchych fford a delych
dy allu vyd da dangnofed
nyth didra ar adneu reddruga.

Syberw segur dolur
Ar eu knawt mynet dros vessur
ys dir nychyaw ny bo pur.

Anudon am dir a brat arglwyd
a diuaño dy law gar
dyd | brawt bydawt ediuar.

Ac velly y teruyna eglynyon yr eryr.

Yr eryr barabl difrad,
Os ti ydyw Eliwlad,
Ai gwiw ymladd am danad?

Arthur ddihafarch ateb,
Ni saif gelyn i’th wyneb,
Rhag angau ni ddiainc neb.

Yr eryr iaith ddiymgel,
A allai neb drwy ryfel
Yn fyw eilwaith dy gaffel?

Arthur bendefig haelion,
O chredir geiriau’r Ganon,
A Duw ni thycia ymryson.