

A number of Roman tile kilns have been unearthed over the years on the Arbury Estate, 2 miles (3km) to the south-west of Nuneaton City centre. A tile kiln was found here in 1967, and two more tile-kilns with overlapping stoke-holes were found in 1970. The earlier of these two closely resembles that uncovered in 1967 while the other was more like a pottery-kiln in design, and was apparently used to produce lightweight tegula tiles until the early-4th century.

There is another Roman tilery nearby at Griff Hill (SP3688) and Roman potteries a few miles to the north at Hartshill, near the Manduessedum road station on Watling Street.

References for Arbury

Britannia ii (1971) p.263.Britannia ii (1971) p.263. Britannia ii (1971) p.263.Britannia ii (1971) p.263.

Map References for Arbury

NGRef: SP342893 OSMap: LR140

Roman Roads near Arbury

None identified

Sites near Arbury