Dalbeattie Marching Camp
Possible Roman Camp
This suspected camp was discovered in 1982 lying on flat ground between the Water of Urr and the Dalbeattie Burn. The full circuit is unknown but there is room enough on the site for legionary sized encampment. J and J Andrews 1983 do not think it is a Roman Temporary Camp.
There is a group of six marching camps a few miles to the north-west at Glenlochar.
Map References for Dalbeattie Camp
OS National Grid Reference: NX826608
Dimensions: ? ft (? m)
Area: c.37 acres (c.15 ha)
References for Dalbeattie Camp
- Britannia xiv (1983) p.289;
- Britannia xv (1984) p.276;
‘Dalbeattie (Urr p), Roman marching camp’, Discovery Excav Scot, 1982. Andrews and Andrews, J and J. (1982) Page(s): 9
Roman Roads near Dalbeattie Camp
None identified
Sites near Dalbeattie Marching Camp
- Glenlochar 5 Temporary Camp (9 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Glenlochar 2 Temporary Camp (10 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Glenlochar Roman Fort (10 km)
Antonine Auxiliary Fort (AD 138–161) and Flavian Auxiliary Fort (AD 69–96) - Glenlochar 1 Temporary Camp (10 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Shawhead Temporary Camps (16 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Lantonside Roman Fortlet and Annexe (19 km)
Fortlet - Ward Law Camp (21 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Fourmerkland Camps (21 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Gatehouse of Fleet Fortlet (23 km)
Fortlet - Carzield Roman Fort (25 km)
Antonine Auxiliary Fort (AD 138–161) and Marching or Temporary Camp