Deborah's Hole Camp

Iron Age Hillfort

Deborah’s Hole Camp is a historic site that consists of the remains of a defended enclosure, believed to date back to the Iron Age period, specifically around 800 BC to AD 43. It is located on a narrow coastal promontory that overlooks the sea, forming part of its defensive circuit. The promontory is characterized by a sheer cliff that is 60m high on the south, with broken cliffs on the southwest and southeast sides.

The inner defended area of Deborah’s Hole Camp measures approximately 45m by 30m, while the outer defences are approximately 130m long. The site is believed to have been constructed with one or more ramparts across the neck of the promontory, creating a division between the promontory and the mainland. The location of the site, on a blunt headland above the sea, would have provided natural defences and strategic advantage for its inhabitants.

Based on its characteristics and location, Deborah’s Hole Camp is considered to be an important archaeological site representing Iron Age defensive structures. The site’s size and location suggest it may have served as a fortified settlement or a defensive stronghold during ancient times. Further research and archaeological investigation may reveal more insights into the history and significance of Deborah’s Hole Camp.

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