Farnley Temporary Camp 1

Marching or Temporary Camp

Three Roman marching camps have been recorded (JRS 1951, p.53; RCHME) lying on a steep scarp above the River Tyne between the river and Dere Street, about 1½ miles (c. 2 km) to the south-east of Corbridge (Corstopitum).

Farnley Temporary Camp 1 is the smallest, has only its N, E & W sides traced, the S defences having been overlaid by Dere Street and the gardens of Farnley Grange. No gates are traceable in any part of the camp’s perimeter.

Map References for Farnley Temporary Camp 1

NGRef: NY995631 OSMap: LR87

OS National Grid Reference: NY994631
Dimensions: 246 x 328 ft (c.75 x 100? m)
Area: c.1¾ acres (c.0.75 ha)

Roman Roads near Farnley Temporary Camp 1

None identified

Sites near Farnley Temporary Camp 1