Moss Side Signal Station
Gask Ridge Signal Station
This site lies 70 yards (c.64m) to the north of the military road. Excavated by Christison in 1909 who recorded the post-holes and sleeper-trenches of a central structure 11 feet (c.3.35m) square surrounded by a turf bank 14 feet (c.4.27m) wide, which surved in places up to 3 feet (0.9m) in height. The entire structure measured 51 feet (c.15.5m) in diameter across the mound. This watch-tower along with others spaced almost uniformly along the Roman military road into the north-east formed an early Roman frontier along the Gask Ridge in Tayside.
References for Moss Side
- Topography of Roman Scotland North of the Antonine Wall by O.G.S. Crawford (Cambridge 1949).
Map References for Moss Side
NGRef: NO0019 OSMap: LR58
Roman Roads near Moss Side
W (0.5) to Witch Knowe (Tayside) ENE (0.5) to Thorny Hill (Tayside)
Sites near Moss Side Signal Station
- Witch Knowe Signal Station (1 km)
Gask Ridge Signal Station - Thorny Hill Roman Signal Station (1 km)
Gask Ridge Signal Station - Midgate Roman Fortlet (1 km)
Fortlet - Gask House Signal Station (2 km)
Gask Ridge Signal Station - Gask House Temporary Camp (2 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Westmuir Signal Station (2 km)
Gask Ridge Signal Station - Muir O' Fauld Signal Station (3 km)
Gask Ridge Signal Station - Forteviot Temporary Camp (4 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Kirkhill Roman Signal Station (4 km)
Gask Ridge Signal Station - Roundlaw Signal Station (5 km)
Gask Ridge Signal Station