North Yardhope Marching Camp

Marching or Temporary Camp

This almost square camp is protected on its north and east sides by the Longtae Burn and on the south by an unnamed tributary stream. There are three gateways visible on A.P.’s, all protected by external tituli, placed centrally on the east side and off-set to the east in the north and south ramparts, with no gateway discernable in the unbroken western rampart; this camp faced ESE.

References for North Yardhope Camp

Roman Camps in England – The Field Archaeology by the R.C.H.M.E.

Map References for North Yardhope Camp

NGRef: NT9000 OSMap: LR80

OS National Grid Reference: NT908009
Dimensions: 449 x 472 ft (137 x 144 m)
Area: c.5 acres (4.9 ha)

Roman Roads near North Yardhope Camp

ENE (14) to Learchild (Learchild, Northumberland) WSW (5) to Bremenivm (High Rochester, Northumberland)

Sites near North Yardhope Marching Camp
  • Portgate
    Hadrian's Wall Milecastle and Portgate
  • Corbridge (Coriosopitum) Roman Fort and Town
    Roman Bridges, Stanegate Fort, Supply Depot, Temple Or Shrine, Vexillation Fort and Vicus
  • Tweedmouth Roman Fort
    Auxiliary Fort
  • Hadrian's Wall - Fort - Halton Chesters (Hunnum / Onnum)
    Hadrian's Wall Fort
  • Risingham (Habitancum) Roman Fort
    Antonine Auxiliary Fort (AD 138–161) and Vicus
  • Learchild (Alavna) Roman Fort
    Hadrianic Auxiliary Fort (117 to 138)
  • Longshaws Fortlets