Noviomagus [Cantiacorum] - The New Market [of the Cantiaci]

This settlement is probably to be equated with an entry in Iter II of the Antonine Itinerary. This 481 mile route from Hadrian's Wall to the Channel port at Portus Ritupis (Richborough, Kent), is the longest in the British section, and contains a road-station named Noviomago, listed 10 miles from Londinium (London) and 18 miles from Vagniacis (Springhead, Kent). Although both Iter III and Iter IV must have passed through Crayford on their way from London to other Channel ports at Portus Dubris (Dover, Kent) and Portus Lemanis (Lympne, Kent), respectively, the Noviomagus station is not mentioned.

There is evidence of substantial Roman building at Dartford (TQ5473) in Kent, about two miles along Watling Street towards Springhead. There is more evidence of Romano-British settlement along the Cray Valley to the South, in the form of substantial Roman buildings at North Cray (TQ4771) and Fordcroft (TQ4667), also a villa at Orpington (TQ4565).

Sites near Noviomagus [Cantiacorum] - The New Market [of the Cantiaci]