Westgate Villa
A ditched enclosure of the type exemplified by that at Ditchley, has been observed and recorded from the air in fields to the south of Westgate-on-Sea on the Isle of Thanet. The single ditch defines a square measuring about 150 feet (c.46 m) on each side, thereby enclosing an area of about ½-acre (c.0.2 ha). There is a single centrally-placed gateway in one side, and a small rectangular annexe appears to be attached near one corner. Faint traces of a building of unknown nature were observed on A.P.’s at the centre of the main enclosure. (JRS 1953 p.95.)
Map References for Westgate
NGRef: TR3268
OSMap: LR179
References for Westgate
- Air Reconnaissance of Southern Britain by J.K. St. Joseph in J.R.S. XLIII (1953) pp.81-97;
Roman Roads near Westgate
Sarre Wall: WSW (14) to Dvrovernvm
Sites near Westgate Villa
- Tanatus (Isle of Thanet?) (3 km)
- Richborough (Rutupiae) Roman Fort (8 km)
Port and Saxon Shore Fort - Reculver (Regulbium) Fort (9 km)
Saxon Shore Fort - Worth Temple (13 km)
Temple Or Shrine - Canterbury Roman Museum (20 km)
Museum - Canterbury (Durovernum) Roman Fort (20 km)
British Capital, Claudian Auxiliary Fort (AD 43–54) and Oppidum - Bigbury Camp (23 km)
Iron Age Hillfort - Dover (Portus Dubris) Roman Port (27 km)
Pharos, Vicus and Villa - Dover (Portus Dubris) Classis Britannica Fort (27 km)
Auxiliary Fort - Isle Of Sheppey (30 km)