Whitewall Brake Roman Site


Whitewall Brake Roman Site is also known as  Castle Tump, is a historical site that consists of the remains of a building complex dating back to the Romano-British period, specifically around AD 70 – 410. Perched on a natural rise with a gentle slope towards the south, it offers a commanding view of the Roman town of Caerwent (MM001) towards the southwest. The visible remains of Castle Tump include scattered banks of fallen stones that delineate a rectilinear arrangement of building ranges and courtyards. The foundations cover an area measuring 74 meters east to west and 38 meters transversely, although the walls are not very tall. Excavations conducted by Colston in the late 19th century revealed the presence of a Roman mosaic, coins, pottery, and building debris at the site. The rectangular walls and tessellated pavements suggest that Castle Tump may have been a rural villa constructed to showcase the high social status, wealth, and Romanized cultural values of the local Silures tribe’s elite landowners.

Sites near Whitewall Brake Roman Site