Filey Roman Signal Station
North Sea Signal Stations
The site of a forth century Roman signal station at Filey; the remains are visible in the cliff face. The site was investigated in 1857, 1923/29 and again by YAT in 1993-4, following a geophysical survey of the peninsula. One of five stations, it measured circa 50 metres across with a central 14 metres square tower on stone and clay foundations, possibly standing to 30 metres. Five large stone blocks found in 1857 may have supported the tower. There was an outer courtyard and a defensive ditch which seems to have crossed the headland rather than enclosing the site. The site was abandoned after circa AD 385, possibly in the early fifth century, but there is a sixth to eighth century rampart to the East, still about 1.8 metres high.Excavations uncovered two late forth century coin hoards.
Sites near Filey Roman Signal Station
- Scarborough Roman Signal Station (11 km)
North Sea Signal Stations - Rudston Villa (15 km)
Villa - Praesidium (16 km)
Minor Settlement and Possible Roman Fort - Bridlington Roman Port (16 km)
Probable Port - Beacon Hill (Flamborough) Roman Signal Station (16 km)
North Sea Signal Stations - Ravenscar Signal Station (25 km)
North Sea Signal Stations - Wade's Causeway (33 km)
Roman Road - Malton (Derventio) Vicus (35 km)
Vicus - Malton (Derventio) Roman Fort (35 km)
Vexillation Fort and Vicus - Cawthorn B Fort (35 km)
Flavian Auxiliary Fort (AD 69–96)