Bishopston Valley Camp

Iron Age Hillfort

Bishopston Valley Camp is a historical site that contains the remains of a defended enclosure, believed to date back to the Iron Age period (around 800 BC to AD 74). Inland promontory forts, like Bishopston Valley Camp, are typically situated on a ridge or spur with steep slopes on two or three sides, and often feature artificial ramparts on the level approaches. Alternatively, they may be constructed on a promontory above the confluence of two rivers or in the bend of a meander.

Bishopston Valley Camp specifically features two massive banks that run across the eastern side, with the entrance located at the northern end. Excavations carried out in 1939 revealed the presence of an oval hut site within the interior of the enclosure, as well as an external revetment of the inner bank, indicating some form of fortification. Additionally, evidence of mixed farming was discovered, suggesting that the inhabitants of Bishopston Valley Camp engaged in agricultural activities. The finding of Roman objects at the site also indicates occupation that likely extended into the 2nd century AD, providing insights into the historical timeline of the area.

Sites near Bishopston Valley Camp