Redley Cliff Camp

Iron Age Hillfort

Redley Cliff Camp, also known as Caswell Cliff Fort, is a site that contains the remains of a defended enclosure, believed to date back to the Iron Age period, around 800 BC to AD 43. The enclosure is located on a narrow coastal promontory above the sea, which forms part of the defensive circuit. One or more ramparts were constructed across the neck of the promontory, separating it from the mainland.

The outermost defense is marked by a modern field wall that is built at the center of a V-shaped ditch, which is visible for a length of 20 meters, with a width of 5.2 meters and a depth of up to 2 meters. The bank on its east side is faintly visible, but likely existed in the past. The inner defense has a similar ditch, with a better-preserved bank measuring up to 4.5 meters wide and 0.6 meters high. It can be traced for a distance of approximately 50 meters across the promontory. At the southern end, it continues over the brow of the slope and ends in an outcrop. At the northern end, it terminates at a crag that forms a natural defense on the northwest side of the area between the two banks.

The interior of the defended promontory is irregularly broken up by outcrops, but it presents an inhabitable area of about 0.2 hectares, measuring approximately 55 meters east-west by 30 meters, although no certain traces of huts or structures can be identified within this area.

Sites near Redley Cliff Camp