Catterick Bridge
Marching or Temporary Camp
This camp lies on the alluvial plain of the River Swale, on the S bank of the river just NE of Catterick racecourse, the ancient line of Dere Street passes by the camp some 350m to the W. Only the NE corner angle, a length of the N rampart and a longer section of the E defences have been recorded. There is a gateway with an external titulum located about mid-way along the shorter N side, but gaps in the E rampart cannot be readily identified as gates. It is quite possible that the N defences extended only a little more westwards, and a slight inward turn on the end of the S rampart may indicate the beginnings of the SE corner-angle. If this is the case then the camp would not have been very much larger than the existing defences indicate. (JRS 1953 p.90, 1956 p.82; RCHME.)
This is referred to as both Catterick Racecourse Temporary Camp and Catterick Bridge.
References for Catterick Bridge
- Roman Camps in England – The Field Archaeology by the R.C.H.M.E.;
- Air Reconnaissance in Britain, 1951-5 by J.K. St. Joseph in J.R.S. xlv (1956) pp.82-91;
- Air Reconnaissance of Southern Britain by J.K. St. Joseph in J.R.S. xliii (1953) pp.81-97;
Map References for Catterick Bridge
NGRef: SE2399 OSMap: LR99
OS National Grid Reference: SE231991
Dimensions: 525+ x c.755 ft (160+ x c.230 m)
Area: 9 acres (3.6 ha)
Roman Roads near Catterick Bridge
None identified
Sites near Catterick Bridge
- Cataractonium Settlement (1 km)
Minor Settlement - Catterick (Cataractonium) Roman Fort (1 km)
Flavian Auxiliary Fort (AD 69–96) - Carkin Moor Roman Fort (12 km)
Auxiliary Fort - Stanwick Camp (13 km)
Iron Age Hillfort - Cade's Road (13 km)
Roman Road - Cleasby Roman Fortlet (14 km)
Fortlet - Holmes House Roman Fort (16 km)
Trajanic Auxiliary Fort (A.D. 98–117) - Holme House Villa (16 km)
Villa - Piercebridge (Morbium) Roman Bridge (16 km)
Roman Bridges - Piercebridge (Morbium) Roman Fort (17 km)
Auxiliary Fort