Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 51 - Wall Bowers

Hadrian's Wall Milecastle

Milecastle 51 (Wall Bowers) was a – Milecastle on Hadrian’s Wall. The mile fort is located west of Fort Birdoswald, exactly at the point where the wood and peat wall ended. It belonged to the long-ax type III and replaced an early wood-peat fort. The fortifications were excavated and examined between 1895, 1927, 1931 and 1936. The excavations brought among other things. the foundations of two stone barracks were exposed, the neighboring western MK 50 was 1.5 km and MK 52 in the east 1.484 km away. Today no remains of the facility can be seen in the area.

Sites near Hadrian's Wall - Milecastle 51 - Wall Bowers