Lamington Roman Fortlet
This fortlet, together with the nearby temporary camp, were both discovered from the air (by the RCAHMS) in 1977. The size and plan of the fortlet is similar to that of the station at [post_id=”10789″]Brownhart Law[/link_post], situated on Dere Street guarding the eastern route through lowland Scotland, as Lamington apparently guarded the western route. It was very likely part of a line of such stations, including Wandel to the south-west, which were placed along the line of the Roman road north-east, probably delineated by the sites of the marching camps at Cornhill and Kirkhouse, which must surely include the fortlet at Tocherknowe near its north-eastern end, and if so, there may be another three such stations awaiting discovery in the Upper Clyde Valley and the Biggar pass.
References for Lamington
- Britannia ix (1978) p.416;
- Air Reconnaissance in Roman Britain 1977-1984 by G.S. Maxwell & D.R. Wilson in Britannia xviii (1987) p.25 & pp.40/41.
Map References for Lamington
NGRef: NS9730 OSMap: LR72
Roman Roads near Lamington
NE (4) to Cornhill (Coulter, Strathclyde) SSW (8) to Crawford (Strathclyde)
Sites near Lamington Roman Fortlet
- Lamington Marching Camp (0 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Wandel Fortlet (5 km)
Fortlet - Wandel Marching Camp (5 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Cornhill Marching Camp (7 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Cold Chapel Marching Camp (7 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Crawford Roman Fort (10 km)
Antonine Auxiliary Fort (AD 138–161) and Flavian Auxiliary Fort (AD 69–96) - Crawford Marching Camp A (10 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Crawford Marching Camp B & C (10 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Bankhead Camp 2 (14 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Castledykes Marching Camp 4 (14 km)
Marching or Temporary Camp