Stonybeck Signal Station
Signal Station
This suspected Roman signal-station lies on the line of the Roman road (Margary #7e) through the Petteril Valley in Cumbria, about 2 miles (c.3.2 km) north of Penrith and about 150 feet (c.46 m) east of the road. The site is represented by what appears to be a signal-station of the ‘Gask Ridge’ type, typified by a signal platform surrounded by a circular defensive ditch. Other suspect stations in the same scheme lie along the route to the south at Castrigg, Appleby in Westmorland and North Stainmore. There is another suspect Roman site, this one a fortlet, at Salkeld Gate, about 1¼ miles further north along the line of the Roman road, which here underlies the modern A6. (JRS 1951 p.53; Margary pp.123/4.)
Map References for Stonybeck
NGRef: NY5033
OSMap: LR90
References for Stonybeck
- Roman Roads in Britain : Volume II North of the Foss Way – Bristol Channel by Ivan D. Margary (London 1957);
- Air Reconnaissance of North Britain by J.K. St. Joseph in J.R.S. xli (1951) pp.52-65;
Roman Roads near Stonybeck
Sites near Stonybeck Signal Station
- Woodhead Camp (0)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Whittlebury Villa (0)
Villa - Wighton (0)
Possible Roman Camp - Willowford Temporary Camp (0)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Bury Hill (0)
Iron Age Hillfort and Settlement - Warham Camp (0)
Iron Age Hillfort - Water Eaton (Kinvaston) 1 Temporary Camp (0)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Wath (0)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Wall Marching Camp 1 (0)
Marching or Temporary Camp - Walton Temporary Camp 1 (0)
Marching or Temporary Camp