Dan-y-Graig Roman villa


The monument comprises the remains of a Roman villa, which is likely to date from the third and fourth centuries AD. Evidence of an agricultural outbuilding with a T-shaped kiln has been uncovered through excavation, indicating the presence of Roman agricultural activity at the site. Additionally, geophysical survey has identified further building activity and archaeological deposits, suggesting the presence of a larger villa complex.

Roman villas were typically the focal points of small agricultural estates, which were part of a hierarchical rural settlement pattern aimed at producing surplus for local market centers. The villa would have served as the center of the estate, reflecting the status, wealth, and Romanized cultural values of the landed elite. The local native tribe, in this case, the Silures, obtained Roman civitas status, which allowed them to retain much of their pre-conquest aristocratic social structure.

The villa complex is situated in improved pasture and comprises buried archaeological deposits. Further research, excavation, and analysis of the site may provide valuable insights into the Roman agricultural practices, social structure, and cultural interactions in the local area during the Roman period.

Sites near Dan-y-Graig Roman villa