The Celts and Celtic Life
The Celtic Tribes of Britain
Where did the Celts Originate from?
What were the Lands of the Celts?
Celtic Society
Celtic Arms & Armor
Celtic Warfare
Farming in Celtic Britain
Celtic Art
Celtic Religion & Mythology
Celtic Craftsmen and Artisans
What role did animals play in Celtic Mythology?
Roman Conquest & Occupation of Britain
Roman Britain Timeline
Julius Caesar’s Invasion
Caligula and the Second Invasion of Britain
The Claudian Invasion of Britain (43AD)
The Tribes Revolt (47 AD)
The Brigantian Revolt (52 – 57 AD)
Boudica and the Iceni Revolt (AD 60–61)
Who was Boudica?
Boudica – Classical References
What did Boudica look like?
Boudica, Boudicca or Boadicea?
Was Boudica a High Priestess?
The Causes of the Iceni Revolt (60AD)
Boudica’s Attack on Colchester (Camulodunum)
Boudica’s Revolt and the sack of London (Londinium)
Boudica and the Fall of Verulamium (St Albans)
Boudica & The Battle of Watling Street
The Consequences of the Boudican Rebellion
Roman Civil War and its effect on Britain (AD68)
The Roman Military of Britain
People of Roman Britain
Life in Roman Britain
Roman Industry and Crafts
How did the Romans Rule Britain?
The Development of Roman Towns
Roman Sites in Britain
A-Z of Places of Roman Britain
Roman Sites to visit in South East England
Temporary Marching Camps in Wales
Temporary Marching Camps in Scotland
Temporary Marching Camps in England
Forts and Fortlets in Scotland
Forts and Fortlets in Wales
Literary References
Roman literature & Roman Writers
Possible Roman
Possible Oppidum
Possible Oppidum
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Roman Britain
The Celts and Celtic Life
What were the Lands of the Celts?
Celtic Warfare
Fortified Sites in Celtic Britain
Celtic Society
Farming in Celtic Britain
Celtic Art
Celtic Craftsmen and Artisans
Celtic Religion & Mythology
What role did animals play in Celtic Mythology?
The Druids and Druidism
Ancient Celtic Religion & Beliefs
The Gods of Gaul and the Continental Celts
The Celtic Otherworld
Welsh Mythology & the Mabinogi
Beli Mawr
Arianrhod of the Silver Wheel
Amaethon fab Dôn
Gilfaethwy mab Dôn
Gwydion fab Dôn
Gofannon fab Dôn
Elestron fab Dôn
Lleu Llaw Gyffes
Dylan ail Don
Eufydd uab Dôn
Heveydd Hen
Brân the Blessed
Branwen ferch Llŷr
Manawydan fab Llŷr
Arawn, Lord of Annwn
Hafgan, Lord of Annwn
Gwyn ap Nudd
Pwyll, Lord of Dyfed
Matholwch, King of Ireland
Pryderi, Lord of Dyfed
Where did the Celts Originate from?
Celtic Arms & Armor
An Overview of the Historic Ages of Britain
The Sack of Rome by the Celts
The Celtic Tribes of Britain
Festivals & the Celtic Year
Life in Roman Britain
How did the Romans Rule Britain?
Roman Villas - Farms
Roman Villas - A House in the Country
Roman Industry and Crafts
The Development of Roman Towns
Mining in Roman Britain
The Roman Gods
Latin Abbreviations and Acronyms
Roman Units & Currency
Roman Festivals and Games
Roman Festivals - Saturnalia
The Gods of Roman Britain
The Roman Calendar
Nemeton - Religious Groves
Roman Numerals - The Roman Numeric System
Roman Conquest & Occupation of Britain
Julius Caesar's Invasion (55 BC & 54BC)
How did Caesar’s invasion effect Britain?
Julius Caesar's First Invasion of Britain (55 BC)
Julius Caesar's Second Invasion of Britain (54 BC)
Caligula & the 2nd Invasion of Britain (40AD)
Claudian Invasion and Conquest (43-60AD)
The Claudian Invasion of Britain (43AD)
Why did the Emperor Claudius invade Britain in 43AD?
The Battle of Medway (43AD)
Roman Advance from the Medway to Camulodunium
Who were the Eleven British Kings who surrendered to Claudius?
Emperor Claudius' Victory Celebrations
The Military Campaign of Aulus Plautius (AD43-46)
The Tribes Revolt (47 AD)
Campaigns of Ostorius Scapula (47-52AD)
Caratacus's Last Stand (50AD)
Aulus Didius Gallus (52-57AD)
Trouble in Brigantia (52 - 57 AD)
Quintus Veranius (57/58AD)
Suetonius Paulinus (58–61AD)
The Conquest of Wales and Southern England
Boudica and the Iceni Revolt (cAD60-61)
What did Boudica look like?
Was Boudica a High Priestess?
Boudica, Boudicca or Boadicea?
Boudica’s Attack on Colchester (Camulodunum)
Boudica and the Fall of Verulamium (St Albans)
Who was Boudica?
The Causes of the Iceni Revolt (60AD)
Boudica & The Battle of Watling Street
Recovery After the Boudiccan Rebellion
Boudica's Revolt and the Sack of London (Londinium)
The Consequences of the Boudican Rebellion
Boudica - Classical References
Consolidation and Pacification (61-78 AD)
Publius Petronius Turpilianus (61/2-63AD)
Marcus Trebellius Maximus (63 -69AD)
Roman Civil War and its effect on Britain (AD68)
Marcus Vettius Bolanus (69 -71AD)
The Brigantian Revolt (69AD)
Quintus Petilius Cerialis (AD71-73/4)
Sextus Julius Frontinus (73/4–77/8AD)
Agricola & Caledonia (77-117AD)
Gnaeus Julius Agricola (AD77/8-83/4)
Agricola's Forces
Agricola Administration Reforms (78AD)
Advancing Beyond Brigantia (79AD)
Consolidating the Lands of the Brigantes (78AD)
Agricola & the Conquest of the Ordovices (77AD)
Who was Calgacus?
Consolidating the Lowlands - Agricola's Forth Season (80AD)
Lands of the Novantae - Agricola's Fifth Season (81AD)
The Battle of Mons Graupius (82AD)
Agricola's Sixth Season (82AD)
Agricola's Forts and Camps
The Mutiny of the Cohors Primae Ubiorum
Forts of the First Flavian Period (AD85–c.90)
Forts of the Second Flavian Period (c90–105AD)
Roman Britain Timeline
Hadrianic Britain (117-136AD)
Forts of the Hadrianic Period
Antonine Period (136–192AD)
The Antonine Invasion of Scotland
Forts of the First Antonine Period
Forts of the Second Antonine Period
Severus and the Third Century (192–259AD)
Forts from the Severan Campaigns in Scotland (222–224AD)
Carausius and the Late Third Century
Constantine and Early 4th Century
The Great Conspiracy & Late 4th Century Britain
Who was Magnus Maximus?
Religion and the Barbarian Conspiracy
Prelude to the Barbarian Conspiracy
Was Magnus Maximus part of the Gothic Uprising?
Magnus Maximus in Welsh legend
References for Magnus Maximus
The Great Conspiracy
References for the Barbarian Conspiracy
Constantine III (Western Roman emperor)
The Revolt of 407
Roman Empire 364-411AD
Gaul in the early 5th Century
Post Roman Britain
The Rise of the Kingdoms
Who was Vortigern?
Who Was Ambrosius Aurelianus?
King Arthur: Historical or Legendary?
Historical King Arthur: References
Historical King Arthur: A Dark Age King?
Historical King Arthur: Breton King?
Historical King Arthur: Riothamus?
Historical King Arthur: A Silurian King?
Historical King Arthur: Cuneglas?
Legendary King Arthur: The Welsh Myths
Legendary King Arthur: Post-Galfridian Myths
Legendary King Arthur: The Pre-Galfridian Heroes
Lludd Llaw Ereint
Mabon ap Modron
Beli Mawr, son of Manogan
King Arthur (Pre-Galfridian)
Gwyddno Garanhir
Nimue, Lady of the Lake
Legendary King Arthur: The Post-Galfridian Characters
The Roman Military of Britain
Roman Army: Structure & Soldiers
Roman Legions: From Tribal Levy to Imperial Legion
Roman Legions: Structure and Ranks
Roman Legions: The Time of Caesar
Roman Legionaries: Armour
Roman Legions: Formations
Roman Cavalry
Development of Roman Mailed Cavalry
Roman Legionaries: Centurions
Roman Legionaries: Veterans
Roman Legionaries: Weapons
Roman Legionaries: Standards
The Roman Navy
Roman Frontier Systems in Britain
The Fosse Way Frontier
The Antonine Wall
Glen Blocking Forts & Gask Ridge c.AD85
The Stanegate Frontier c.AD105
Hadrian's Wall AD122
The Saxon Shore Forts cAD250
Military Units of Roman Britain
Roman Legions of Britain
Legio VII Claudia
Legio X Equestris
Legio XX Valeria Victrix
Legio IX Hispana
Legio XIV Gemina
Legio VIII Augusta
Legio VI Victrix
Legio II Augusta
Legio II Adiutrix
Legio XXII Deiotariana
Legio XXII Primigenia
Catervae Britanniarum - The Irregular Auxiliary Units of Britain
Alae Britanniarum - The Auxiliary Cavalry Wings of Britain
The Auxiliary Infantry Cohorts of Britain
The Praetorian Guard
Numeri Exploratorum - The Companies of Scouts
Classis Britannica - The British Fleet
Roman Fortresses, Forts and Camps
Legionary and Vexillation Fortresses
The Structure of a Roman Fort
Roman Forts and Fortlets in England
Forts and Fortlets in Wales
Forts and Fortlets in Scotland
Temporary Marching Camps in England
Temporary Marching Camps in Scotland
Temporary Marching Camps in Wales
Roman Military Glossary
People of Roman Britain
Roman Governors of Britania
Who were the Roman Consuls?
Roman Emperors
Emperor Hadrian - Rome's Absent Ruler
British Celtic Nobles of Roman Britain
Roman Sites in Britain
Iron-Age hillforts
Hill Forts of the Silures
A-Z of Places of Roman Britain
Hadrian's Wall
Temples and Shrines of Roman Britain
Historical King Arthur: St. Arthmael?
Literary References
Polybius (c. 200 – c. 118 BC)
British Tribal Coinage
The Inscribed Coins of the Catuvellauni
The Inscribed Coins of the Iceni
The Inscribed Coins of the Dobunni
The Inscribed Coins of the Durotriges
The Inscribed Coins of the Trinovantes
The Inscribed Coins of the Cantiaci
The Inscribed Coins of the Atrebates
Titus Flavius Josephus: The Jewish War (Books 5-7)
Titus Flavius Josephus: The Jewish War (Books 1-4)
Plutarch's - Plutarch's Lives - Volume 5
Plutarch's - Plutarch's Lives - Volume 3
Plutarch's - Plutarch's Lives - Volume 2
Plutarch's - Plutarch's Lives - Volume 1
Plutarch's - Plutarch's Lives - Volume 4
Julius Caesar: The Spanish War
Julius Caesar - The Civil War
Florus: The Epitome of Roman History
Gildas: On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain (De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae)
Historia Augusta - The Life of Hadrian
Julius Caesar: The Alexandrian War
Julius Caesar - The African War
The Gallic Wars: Julius Caesar
Arrian of Nicomedia - Order of battle against the Alans
Vegetius - The Military Institutions of the Romans (De Re Militari)
Publius Papinius Statius, Silvae
Sextus Julius Frontinus: Stratagems
Cornelius Tacitus - Agricola
Cornelius Tacitus - The Annals
Roman literature & Roman Writers
The Histories of Appian, The Civil Wars, Book 1
The Histories of Appian, The Civil Wars, Book II
The Histories of Appian, The Civil Wars, Book III
The Histories of Appian, The Civil Wars, Book IV
The Histories of Appian, The Civil Wars, Book V
Claudian, Roman Author
Panegyric on the Consulship of Probinus and Olybrius
Claudian, Against Rufinus
Claudian, The War Against Gildo
Claudian, Against Eutropius
Claudian, Fescennine Verses in Honour of theMarriage of the Emperor Honorius
Claudian, Epithalamium of Honorius and Maria
Claudian, Panegyric on the Consulship of the Emperor Honorius (A.D. 396)
Claudian,Panegyric on the Consulship of Fl. Manlius Theodorus (A.D. 399)
Claudian, On Stilicho's Consulship (A.D. 400)
Claudian, The Gothic War
Claudian, Panegyric on the Sixth Consulship of the Emperor Honorius (A.D. 404)
The Rape of Proserpine
New History, Book 1
New History, Book 2
New History, Book 3
New History, Book 4
New History, Book 5
New History, Book 6
Julian: Panegyric in Honour of Constantius
Julian: The Heroic Deeds of the Emperor Constantius, or, On Kingship
Julian: Panegyric in Honour of the Empress Eusebia
Julian: Hymn to King Helios
Julian: Hymn to the Mother of the Gods
Ammianus Marcellinus
The Roman History, Book XIV (353-356AD).
The Roman History, Book XV (354-355AD).
The Roman History, Book XVI (356-356AD).
The Roman History, Book XVII (357-358AD).
The Roman History, Book XVIII (359AD)
The Roman History, Book XIX (359AD)
The Roman History, Book XX (360AD)
The Roman History, Book XXI (360-361AD)
The Roman History, Book XXIII(363AD).
The Roman History, Book XXIV(363AD).
The Roman History, Book XXV(363AD).
The Roman History, Book XXVI(363-366AD).
The Roman History, Book XXVIII (368-370AD)
The Roman History, Book XXIX (371-373AD)
The Roman History, Book XXX (374AD)
The Roman History, Book XXXI (375-378AD)
The Roman History, Book XXVII (367-368AD).
Marcus Annaeus Lucanus - Pharsalia - 'The Grove of the Druids'
Nennius' Historia Brittonum
Tabula Peutingeria - The British Section
Classical References to the Geography of Roman Britain - Classical Geographia
The Ravenna Cosmography - The British Section
Cassius Dio Cocceianus – The Histories of Rome
Gallic Wars - Book V Chapters 1-23
Gallic Wars - Book IV Chapters 20-38
The Coligny Tablet
Gaius Cornelius Tacitus - The Histories - British References
Cornelius Tacitus: The Histories
Gaius Cornelius Tacitus - The Agricola
Gaius Cornelius Tacitus - The Annals of Imperial Rome
The Geography of Ptolemy
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus - The Twelve Caesars
The Life of Julius Caesar
The Life of Augustus
The Life of Tiberius
The Life of Caligula
The Life of Claudius
The Life of Nero
The Life of Galba
The Life of Otho
The Life of Vitellius
The Life of Vespasian
The Life of Titus
The Life of Domitian
The Antonine Itinerary Iter Britanniarum - The British Section
The Notitia Dignitatum - The British Section
Roman Coinage Mentioning or Minted in Britain
Vallum Hadriani - Roman Souvenirs From the Wall
Welsh Medieval Literature
The Book of Aneirin
Y Gododdin
The Gwarchan of Tudvwlch
The Gwarchan of Adebon
The Gwarchan of Cynfelyn
The Gwarchan of Maelderw
Dinogad's Smock
Arthur and the Porter
Geraint son of Erbin
Annales Cambriae
Marwnad Cynddylan
The Spoils of Annwfn
The Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain
The Welsh Triads
The Battle of the Trees
Arthur and the Eagle
Dialogue of Melwas and Gwenhwyfar
The Chair of the Sovereign
The Dialogue of Gwyn ap Nudd and Gwyddno Garanhir
Stanzas of the Graves
The Chronicle Of The Princes Of Wales
The Book of Taliesin
The Death-song of Uther Pendragon
The Song of the Horses
The Hostile Confederacy
The Death-song of Aeddon
The First Address of Taliesin
The Elegy of the Thousand Sons
The History of Taliesin
The Mabinogion
The Dream of Rhonabwy
Geraint and Enid
Lludd and Llefelys
Peredur, son of Efrawg
Owain, or the Lady of the Fountain
Culhwch and Olwen
The Dream of Macsen Wledig
The Lives of the Saints
The Legend of St. Goeznovius
Life of St Collen
Life of St. Efflam
The Life of St. Cadog
The Life of St. Gildas
The Life of St. Padarn
The Life of St. Illtud
The Life of St. Carannog
Four Branches of the Mabinogi
The First Branch of the Mabinogi: Pwyll Pendeuc Dyfed
Math Son of Mathonwy
Manawydan mab Llŷr
The Second Branch of the Mabinogi: Branwen Daughter of Llyr
King Urien and Modron daughter of Avallach
Mars/Camulos Plaque from London
Military Diplomata - Naming British Garrison Units
Military Diplomata - AD105
Military Diplomata - 103AD (RIB 1401.1)
Military Diplomata - AD 98
Military Diplomata - 105 AD (RIB 2401.3)
Military Diplomata - AD 122
Military Diplomata - 124AD (RIB 2401.6)
Military Diplomata c.AD126a
Military Diplomata c.126AD (b)
Military Diplomata - c AD126 (RIB 2401.7)
Military Diplomata - AD 132
Military Diplomata - AD 135 (RIB 2401.8)
Military Diplomata - AD 135 (RIB 2401.9)
Military Diplomata - AD 145/6 (RIB 2401.10)
Military Diplomata - AD 158
De Munitionibus Castrorum - Pseudo-Hyginus
Plutarch, Caesar
Livy (59 BC – AD 17)
Eutropius (AD 363–387) - Brief History of Rome from its Foundation
Historia Augusta
Strabo, Geography
Literary References for Post Roman Britain
The Spoils of Annwfn (Preiddeu Annwfn)
Chronicle Of The Kings Of England by William Of Malmesbury’s
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England
Panegyrici Latini
Panegyric VII
Panegyric VIII
Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae
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